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Gbegi Ojora
50 years
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Árvore Genealógica
Herbert Mensah The Warmth in the Shadow April 10, 2012

OJ, My Dearest Brother, You fill me with so many  mixed emotions borne out of love and gratitude that the Good Lord allowed me time to harness the goodness of your purity and leadership. Indeed of memories, Susan B. Anthony best summed them up when she  wrote – "Sooner or later we all discover that the important moments in life are not the advertised ones, not the birthdays, the graduations, the weddings, not the great goals achieved. The real milestones are less prepossessing. They come to the door of memory unannounced. Our lives are measured by these." We had many such moments at different times and in different places too numerous to recount My Dearest Brother we have spent most of the past thirty plus years enjoined in spirit by love and respect.  The periods that we have been absent from one another have been punctuated by an almost religious faith which has been bound by trust and loyalty which to some has always been a mystery but then for those I can only say they are yet to experience true brotherly love. We are the God-parents of our respective children and not without reason. I have always known that even without seeing mine, in you, they have more than me. You have taught me over the years the true meaning of love and how with it’s absence we have very little, if anything, and it is to this end that I searched the Good Book which always guided me and found in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 this suitably appropriate passage which tells it all. Love Is the Greatest 1.If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it; but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing. 4. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. 5.It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. 8. Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever! It has been a funny year in which I constantly see your smile and feel your presence. I miss you and yet still feel you are here and in that I find some comfort.  The week of every 24th of February and 13th of June we normally speak and I always ask you to pass on my love and respect to Mum and Chief knowing how highly I think of them. Sadly you are not here to pass on my wishes and to convey my love but I feel deeply that they are aware. In fact I am sure you told them how I was always intimidated by their purity and humanity! Truth be told Mum’s aura is beyond regal and Chief’s humour and candor are unique in a man so great. I have watched Tolu at a distance speaking once in a while to Dapo and knowing that he is okay. I have, over time, included him when distributing our daily Bible Verses and know that you grounded him well and that Solveig aside, he has his Grandparents, Uncles, Aunt and cousins to support him. We all know that his strength, development and success both academically and in sports keeps your cheeks full and your smile beaming. My Dearest Brother I feel you constantly by me and with me and I would like to end this very short note in remembrance of You my greatest and dearest friend with this short but so deep and relevant prayer that has helped me these past twelve months – Dear Lord, please open your gates and call St. Francis to come escort My Dearest Brother across the Rainbow Bridge. Assign Gbegi to a place of honor, for he has been a faithful servant and has always done his best to please You. Bless the hands that send him to you, for they are doing so in love and compassion, freeing him from pain and suffering. Grant me the strength not to dwell on my loss. Help me remember the details of My Brother’s life with the love he has shown me. And grant me the courage to honor him by sharing those memories with others. Let Gbegi remember me as well and let him know that I will always love him. And when it's my time to pass over into your paradise, please allow My Brother to accompany those who will bring me home. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of his friendship and companionship and for the time we had together. And thank you, Lord, for granting me the strength to give him to you now. Amen. My Dearest Brother you have left us strong and united in your love. In Solveig, you have left a grieving wife. In your Son, you have left us an important part of you. In your siblings, they have struggled but are learning to cope and in Chief and Mum we are humbled in their strength and dignity ….

Dean Owokalu What a sad happening January 30, 2012
...when I heard, I was not sitting, now I am... and I am unable to say...write or think... to the Ojora Family my deepest and sincerest condolance... in peace, Gbegi...


Dean Owokalu
I was a corper at Evans Publishers in 1997. I saw how you held your own in the boardroom and since then i always wonder how well deserving you are. You pushed me to where i am right now, without personally calling me aside. Thank you for the influence! May God grant you eternal rest.
Yeah, i really did not know you and never met you but i have read and heard about you a lot. I never heard or read of you with regrets. I feel so pained with this sad news. Wonder why i have to feel like this, one reason, all the good things i ever heard of you must definitely be true for the pains to be so intense in me. I look at your pictures again and again maybe trying to figure out why but the only answer i can build inside of myself is Almighty God just wanted it this way. Your pictures alone tell a lot about you. May he grant you eternal rest and give your parents, wife, son and your entire family the fortitude to bear this great loss. 
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